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Bouncing back from a setback

hand holding a block with a smiley face on it with a neutral face block and frowning face block next to it

The New Year is often a time of renewal and moving forward, but this can be difficult if you’ve suffered a serious setback. Whether you are feeling physical pain or a sense of being “stuck” from a personal or professional loss, it’s important to adopt the right mindset in order to move forward.

The following steps can help you cultivate the resilience needed to gain positive momentum:

Take a realistic view of your situation. 
The ability to create and execute realistic plans for the future can help minimize the sense of being stuck and keep you positive. If you continue to struggle and find it hard to be objective with your situation, be sure to reach out to a counselor or trusted friend.

Fail forward. 
Most setbacks are not so severe that you can’t recover. Your new “normal” may not be what you had ultimately hoped for, but you can still contribute to the world in a meaningful way. One of the easiest ways to do this is by learning from your mistakes and working to be better. Look at errors as lessons, and then use those insights to move past your pain.

Adjust your strategy.
If you encounter another setback as you try to move forward, don’t use it as evidence that you lack discipline or that you’ll never reach your goals. Instead, take the time to assess the reasons behind your setback, then make a plan to overcome it.

Keep curious.
No matter what kind of setback you are facing—be it physical, emotional, financial or somethingelse—it’s important to remain committed to learning new ways of dealing with it. Dedicate time to research and seek solutions on how to overcome your situation...and don’t stop until you’re satisfied with the answers.

Connect with others.
Life can be filled with challenges that push us to the breaking point. Trying to handle these feelings when they overwhelm you is often counterproductive. Instead, reach out to friends, family or groups of people who can offer support and comfort. Seek out online or in-person communities whose members are dealing with the same issues. Joining a group helps to not feel so alone or isolated.

If your 2020 started out with a few bumps, know that you are not alone. Use these tips to help you slay whatever setback stands between you and peace, success and personal growth. You might also consider seeking out professional help if you feel you are not making the progress desired.

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